Week 8 Reading and Writing

     My reading and writing assignments are allowing me to be very creative. However, they do take up a lot of time. This makes it harder to enjoy the readings and truly be enriched by them, because sometimes I feel like I'm having to rush through and finish the assignment. 

     Despite speeding through some assignments, I'm very happy with my blogs, websites, and stories that I've published so far. I wouldn't say that I have a single greatest accomplishment. As cliche as it sounds, all of my stories reflect a big creative accomplishment from their own angles. 

     I'd say that my favorite reading so far has been the Monkey King. It's a very colorful and fantastical story. For me, the more outrageous a mythological story, the better. 

     I wouldn't say that my reading notes from each story have necessarily helped me though. I have a pretty good memory which allows me to remember just about all of the main details of each story and then some. Especially since the reading notes are only supposed to help you remember your favorite details for a future story and those kinds of details stick in my head for years. Well after this course would be finished with. 

     I chose the above as my favorite image because of the story that it represents. The scene is from the Monkey King and it's about two of my favorite characters so far. Sun Wu Kung, the Monkey King, and the Buddha. The scene depicted is from the part of the story when the Buddha makes a wager with Sun Wu Kung that if he can escape his hand, he is allowed to be King of Heaven. Sun Wu Kung agrees and bounds way out to the edge of existence. There, he finds five massive reddish towers holding up everything. Sun Wu Kung leaves his name on the middle tower to show that he was there. When he comes back, the Buddha shows Sun Wu Kung that his name is written on his middle finger. 

     That's enough of the past. As for the future of this class, I think the pace is going well. Hopefully I can just get a chance to enjoy the stories a little more. 


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