Week 8 Progress

1. I've enjoyed my progress so far. Which I know is a strange thing to say, but I couldn't say that I'm unhappy with my progress nor could I say that I'm perfectly satisfied. I'm always content but striving for more. I say I've enjoyed my progress because I've enjoyed the word I've done. So ultimately, I'm not content with my work because I feel I can't go further. Rather, I'm content because I love the work I've put in. I enjoy writing all of my stories and being able to customize my blog and website around them.

2. There aren't any fundamental changes that I want to make throughout the second half of the semester. My plan is to just keep adapting to the storytelling styles of the new readings so that I can diversify my own storytelling. With adaptation, change isn't necessarily needed since it's already built in to the plan.


  1. Hi Ethan! I just read your introduction blog and I saw that you are a philosophy major, so to see that you are always striving to learn more is not surprising. I think you have done an awesome job so far and reading your stories is always fun! Great job so far and I look forward to reading more of your stories and your portfolio!


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