Ethan Kahn Introduction

Hello! My name is Ethan

     Hello ya'll! My name is Ethan Kahn. I'm a student-athlete here at the University of Oklahoma. If 

you insist on knowing what sport, I'm a gymnast. I compete for the OU men's gymnastics club team. 

We are 4-time national champions! 
Personal Photo

     Let's get to the stuff that has to do more with me personally though. I was born in Buffalo, New 

York. My family and I moved down here to Norman, Oklahoma when I was 5 years old. 
     I have one sibling, an older brother. He goes to OU as well. My brother and I are practically 

opposites. He's spazzy and extroverted while I'm calm, cool-headed and more introverted. He likes 

cool colors like blue and purple while I tend towards warm colors like red and orange. Even our 

majors are quite different. He's in pre-dentistry and I'm a philosophy major. 
     Speaking of philosophy, I love to think about, well, everything. I have my own ontological 

theories about reality and the nature of existence. Stuff that has to do with all of the really, really big 

questions in life. After I graduate from college, I want to become an author, speaker, and teacher. I 

won't continue with my gymnastics career after college but I've been dying to try out American Ninja 

Warrior. So I'll still have that athletic-academic balance that I strive for. 

     Getting down to the smaller things about me. My favorite genre of music is... well, I'll pretty much 

listen to anything. I've found myself relaxing to country, partying to hip hop, chilling to rap, and 

straight-up head-banging to Metal. Although, if there's one genre that I would consider my default 

"go-to" it'd have to be pure rock. I love listening to that type of music, especially before competitions 

to pump myself up. 

     My favorite type of food is... well once again, just about anything. I have a pretty diverse taste 

palette. Part of the reason is due to my parents constantly exposing me to all types of food throughout 

childhood. By the time I reached high-school, when most kids still didn't even know how to 

pronounce the name of Gyro-meat (it's yer-oh) or what schwarma is, I considered those things to be 

comfort food. I love Greek, Thai, Italian, German, Barbecue, Sushi, Hibachi, etc. the list goes on. 

     One more thing about me is that I am a dog-lover. This is also partially due to my family. Each of 

us had our own dog in the house when I was growing up. I used to own a red female dachshund. 

Sadly, she died back in 2014. For the past 3 years, I've owned a little white chihuahua named Elliot. 

He's cute as a gumdrop and his fur-coat is whiter than this page. I'm really not exaggerating all that 


     Anyways, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed learning a little about me and I can't wait to read 

your posts! 


  1. Hi again, Ethan! I left a comment on your Indian Epics Introduction post, but I realized I should add a quick note about formatting: if you copy-and-paste from another word processing program, you can get rid of the formatting to go to the blog format with the Tx remove-formatting button; after you copy-and-paste, just highlight the whole post, and then click Tx... that will set the post to format the text based on your Blogger template choice. :-)

  2. Hi Ethan! I think that it is so cool and impressive that you are on the OU Men’s Gymnastics team. The gymnastics program here is so talented! Majoring in Philosophy seems very interesting. It is cool that you have your own ontological theories about reality and existence. Going on American Ninja Warrior sounds fun! Good luck with that! People that love animals are the best. Elliot sounds like a cute pup! Thank you for sharing and I look forward to reading more from your blog this semester.

  3. Hi Ethan.
    I think it is really awesome that you are on the men's gymnastics team. the fact that they have national championships is undermined by the football but that a subject for another day. It's cool that to know that you have sibling that is the exact opposite of you for I have a sibling that is the same. The only difference is I have a sister while you have a brother. Another sad but similar thing is I am a dog lover and have had many dogs of my own, but I have not been able to see myself getting another dog since back in 2014 a coyote had gotten a hold of my dog and she died from the confrontation. It has been good getting to read about you and will hope to see more from you through the semester.

  4. Hey Ethan! Well for starters, nice to meet you! Haha Its pretty crazy your family decided to come to Norman, Ok after living in Buffalo, NY! My past roommate was actually from Boundbrook, NJ if you know the area. Also, its pretty cool that you're apart of the OU Men's Gymnastics team! What got you interested initially? What is your favorite area/event to compete in (ie. floor, vault, bars etc)? And I get you on the music and food selection, however I don't think I'm much of a fan on sushi. Haha Anyways, I hope to be reading more from you and maybe see your dog in a post!

  5. Hey Ethan! That's so cool that you are on the gymnastics team! I'm sure it's nice to be able to go to school here and compete in such a fun sport! A little fun fact about myself is that I could watch American Ninja Warrior for hours and never get bored. I think it may annoy my roommates a bit on how much I watch it..oops! I also love animals and have a nine-year-old Yorkie who I adore. It was nice to meet you!

  6. Hi Ethan! That's so interesting to have siblings at OU at the same time! My daughter is a student at OU on campus while I take classes online, but to have siblings on campus is cool. Also cool that you're a gymnast at OU. I would imagine a gymnast would be very good on American Ninja Warrior. I love that show! Also interesting that you & your brother are so different. I have 3 daughters though, and none of them are alike so I guess it makes sense. Nice to meet you!

  7. Hi Ethan! I'm a philosophy major as well. It's cool that you seem to have well-defined ideas of what you think are good answers to the "big" questions in philosophy. I have found that the further I get into my degree, the less sure I am about what's right and what's wrong. Take for instance the idea of moral responsibility in a possibly deterministic world. For a while, I thought it was simply: If the world is deterministic, we are not free. If we are not free, we cannot be held morally responsible for our actions. But after reading philosophers like Robert Kane and P. F. Strawson, I've come to find that freedom (and thus determinism) can exist in degrees and even in the absence of freedom, moral responsibility need not be tied directly to it. I highly recommend reading Strawson's "Freedom and Resentment" if you haven't already!

  8. Nice to meet you Ethan. It's cool how different you and your brother seem to be. Is he in a higher grade level than you as well or are you both the same classification? My brother and I were always in the same grade level when he was in school but he's a year and a half other than me. Hopefully despite the differences you guys manage to be close and friendly with one another! As a kid, did you like to do gymnastics as well or did you get into it at a late age? It's always been a sport I thought was so cool and respected greatly! Good luck this semester and can't wait to read more from you.

  9. Hey Ethan

    Its pretty cool to be on the national champion gymnastics team you guys definitely deserve the championships and its amazing how much time and effort you guys put into the sport. I too am different from my brother in some aspects of foods as well. I watch American Ninja Warrior but I love the more traditional Ninja Warrior because of the complexity of the course and the commentary. Best of luck to you this semester.

  10. Hi Ethan!
    Gymnastics is such a cool sport. I really like watching it- mostly because it's fun to watch even if you aren't 100% sure what's going on. American Ninja Warrior is one of my favorite shows! My mom thinks I should try to get on it, but I don't think she realizes how weak I am and how hard it is. I'm sure you have a good shot at it, though!

  11. Hey ethan! It is so cool that you are on the gymnastics team! I have always been amazed, like most people, by gymnastics. I have no coordination at all so I could never do anything like that. I also have a brother here at OU too and it is interesting how siblings can be so different and interested in such opposite things. It is nice most the time to have him so close though. It was great to read all about you!

  12. Hi, Ethan! I think it is so cool that you are on the gymnastics team! I have always respected male gymnasts and I have always been amazed at their flexibility and strength! I myself am a dancer, so I understand some things that are involved with gymnastics, but I could never do all the flips and tricks like you guys do! I am an only child, but I do think it is interesting to find out just how different siblings can be! I hope you have a great semester!

  13. Hi Ethan! I have heard about the OU gymnastics team (both men and women) and I know how hard you have to work to be on that team! Both gymnastics teams are the best in the nation, so that is really amazing! I have actually not met a philosophy major here at OU so it’s pretty cool to hear a little bit about you! I’m looking forward to reading more about you!

  14. Hey Ethan. I know that the gymnastics team at OU is one of the best and I think it's awesome you are on it. I don't really know how hard it is to do that stuff but I for sure know I could never imagine myself doing any of the stuff you guys do. I thought about being a philosophy major myself but I was too afraid to try it so I respect that you are following your dreams.

  15. Hi Ethan! I think it is cool that you are on the OU gymnastics team! I bet you have to put a lot of work into your sport, but when you are passionate about something it is so worth it. I am really interested in hearing about your ontological theories! I will be on the lookout for a book with your ideas. I'm not very picky when it comes to food either haha. Good luck with everything and I hope you do tryout for American Ninja Warrior!

  16. Hi Ethan! I am pretty amazed by your major choice, philosophy has always been a very strange and foreign thing to me. Don't get me wrong, I have taken a philosophy course and I didn't mind it, but it really is not something that I think I could do for a full blown 4 years. So hats off for that! I am very similar to you when it comes to food and music, I will eat or listen to whatever, but I will always have my go to's (rock and alternative, and homecooked comfort food and Indian Curries).

    - Anna Margret

  17. Hi Ethan!
    I completely understand being opposite than your siblings. My younger sister is always teasing me that I am adopted because I am the only kid with blonde hair and blue/green eyes. My two siblings are both brown/black hair and brown eyes. I have not taken a philosophy course, but from your train of thought about the bigger question of reality and nature of existence have you taken a History of Science class? I am thinking that you may enjoy either to or since the 17th century. I like the since the 17th century better than the other one. My music choices range as well, but mainly stick with country. Hope that you are having a great semester!

  18. Hi Ethan! It is great that you are a student athlete. You must have a lot to balance between practice and school. I have a brother too. He is four years older than me and we are also completely opposites. I think it is better that way personally, easier to get along. Anyways, I hope this has a been a good semester with you and good luck finishing up!

  19. Hey Ethan!

    Congrats on all those national championships, I know that takes an insane amount of work and time to accomplish. I think it's really cool that you and your brother have the whole Yin and Yang thing going on. I'm sure that makes for some interesting conversations between the two of you. In the realm of philosophy, have you read Andy Weir's "The Egg"? Fantastic piece of literature and about a five minute read. Anyway, good luck finishing out the semester!

  20. Hi Ethan! I think it is so cool that you want to try American Ninja Warrior... we'll have to look out for you! I can imagine that punk would be the perfect music to pump up for a gymnastics meet! I would love to see a picture of your dog. I used to have a couple chihuahuas and I love small dogs!


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