Week 3 Story: Fathering a God-Child

     My name is Yosef. I am a Palestinian Jew living in Nazareth of Galilee. I am writing this as a 

personal documentation of the events happening in my life, as of right now. I do not think of myself 

as a very literate man. I am merely a traveling carpenter. However, I feel that what I am witnessing 

needs to at least be attempted at being put to scripture. So, I hope that if my written word does not 

lose itself to time, future generations will be able to understand my pattern of speech. 

     Like I said, I live in Nazareth of Galilee. With me, lives my wife, Mary, and our son, Yeshua. He 

is the reason I am writing this. I call him my son, only because it is customary. I have never actually 

conceived with my beloved Mary. Yeshua was born of some miracle that I at first hesitated to call 

Divine. The rabbis teach us that the Divine can never take on a human form nor would it have any 

need to. However, my boy Yeshua is now 11 years old and already, he has demonstrated many 

miracles before the Nazarenes. I will not write them all on this single piece of papyrus. I cannot fit it 

all on here anyways. I will only describe a few.

     When my Yeshua was still a baby laying in his cradle, Mary swore that strange things would 

happen about our home while I was gone to some other village for carpentry. We had both met 

angels before Yeshua's miraculous birth, so she knew that the events were not caused by them. She 

would search everywhere for a lost object in vain, only to have it appear where she started her 

endeavor. Sometimes, stable objects would topple over without warning. If pagans were passing 

through the village holding their idols, those idols would crumble to dust as soon as they passed by 

our home. Mary could not sense who or what caused these things to pass. She hesitated to accept that 

our baby boy was the culprit. 

     However, this only made more sense as Yeshua grew into a small child. Whenever Mary or I 

would search for a lost item with no success, Yeshua would either point his tiny finger towards the 

item's whereabouts or he would make it appear out of thin air! When he was 5 years of age, I started 

to take him with me on my carpentry travels to nearby villages. At first, I would not let him help me. 

I would only let him sit by and watch. That all changed when one day, I had found to my dismay that 

I had not cut a strip of wood to its proper length nor shape. I was then mortified to discover that a 

few strips were cut in this manner. I almost left with my carpentry tools and told those purchasing 

the would-be home to wait on me a few days. Yeshua looked at me and said "Papa. Would you like 

to wait on another for a few days? Treat them as thou would like for thyself." Just then, my little boy 

grabbed one side of one strip and asked me to grab the other and pull. The strip lengthened! Not only 

that, it stretched into its proper shape! We grabbed on to another and likewise, the wood stretched out 

and conformed itself! We did this with all of the misshapen strips of wood and my purchasers were 

very joyful to have the home finished. From that point on, needless to say, I brought Yeshua on all of 

my journeys to aid with my carpentry. 

     Yeshua has also healed many sick people in Nazareth, including lepers. He has become a little 

boastful and, against my wishes, he has performed miracles in front of crowds. A fortnight ago, he 

stood in the streets outside our home and had Mary and I come out to watch him. I was utterly 

exhausted, as I had just returned from a carpentry job without Yeshua. Mary coaxed me along 

though, and we both went outside to spectate what young Yeshua wanted us to see. My eyes grew 

wide in awe and many of the villagers gathered in a multitude around us as Yeshua started moving 

the stars! He explained something to us about how the stars were so far away that he had to reach 

back into the past and move them so that we could witness their motion in the present. I didn't quite 

understand what he was saying though. 

     There were indeed times when the young Yeshua had gotten too full of himself and his abilities. I 

have found myself straightening his attitude out after some misconducts. I guess he was born with 

natural Divine Power but is still growing into the use of Divine Wisdom. I see it as my duty to help 

this God-child of mine focus his miracles in a more proper direction. At least as proper a direction as 

a mere man like me can suffice. 

     Bibliography. "Infancy Gospels" from The Lost Books of the Bible by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. Web Source

     *Author's Note: I got the ideas for my story from the Infancy Gospels. They describe Jesus as 

performing miracles as a child. Such as helping Joseph lengthen pieces of wood for carpentry, as 

entailed in my story. However, there is no story where Joseph is in such a conundrum that he almost 

leaves home-buyers to wait on him. Jesus also never said the thing to Joseph about treating others as 

thou would like for thyself. I wrote that based on my imagining of what a young Jesus would sound 

like and how he would act if his father were in such a situation. The miracles such as Jesus moving 

the stars and healing sick Nazarenes was made up. Although, there was a story in the Infancy 

Gospels where Jesus healed a man's snakebite. There are also no stories about Mary reporting 

strange paranormal happenings around her home while raising the baby Jesus. I added that in as a bit 

of a mysterious element. It also sounded realistic based on how the Infancy Gospels make it sound as 

though Jesus was naturally born with his abilities. It would only make sense that he might make 

strange things take place, even as a baby. 


  1. I LOVED that you wrote Jesus' infancy from Joseph's perspective. He's such an interesting character, especially since we don't hear much about him after he takes Mary to Bethlehem to have the baby. I also really liked that you drew from the Infancy Gospels, which I have heard of but haven't read much.
    I wonder how he really felt immediately after Jesus' birth, if he still believed that it was a miracle or if he still had lingering doubts about Jesus' parentage.
    I think it'd be really cool if you added a paragraph, or even just a sentence or two, that really focused on his emotions and his true feelings about everything. Right now it feels more like a report (which I know was explicitly stated) but if you were going for more a diary entry, people tend to focus more about how certain events make them feel than the events themselves.

  2. It was very interesting to hear the story from the angle of Joseph. We really don't get much from him out of the Bible and I always wanted to hear more about him. Although many of the events are made up, it does seem like things Jesus could do. Also seems like it could be more the result of witchcraft, so if it weren't for the names, it could be a little more Harry Potter-ish in the way of things moving about and disappearing and such. Good story though, I like it!

  3. Hey Ethan! I just finished reading your story and I loved it! I thought it was so well-written and easy to understand. I thought it was a creative idea to tell the story from a different perspective. Allowing the reader to see things from a different point of view. I look forward to reading more of your stories in the future. Overall, nicely done!


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