Infancy Gospels Topic Research

Infancy Gospels Topic Research

     I chose the Infancy Gospels as my research topic because they just have so many interesting and taboo stories about Jesus' early life. These stories paint a very interesting picture of Jesus that take him out of the "cliche zone" and make us remember why he's such an influential figure. 

The Idol

     This story from the Infancy Gospels tells about Joseph and Mary taking the boy Jesus into Egypt. When they arrive, there is much commotion in the land and an idol explains to a priest that the unknown and true God has come. The idol topples over at that instant. I could write a story based on the idol's description of Jesus and how he describes the experience as he feels the power of God's greatness fall upon the city. 

Jesus the Exorcist

     This gives a lot of the accounts of Jesus exorcising demons from people. I could write a really descriptive story based on one of these exorcisms. For example, describing in detail what the demon looks, sounds, and acts like as well as a solid back-and-forth dialogue between it and Jesus as he's exorcising it. 

Jesus and the Philosophers

     I thought this story was extremely interesting as it not only depicted Jesus as wise but as an unmeasurably advanced genius. I always thought this would be a fitting aspect for a person claimed to be equal with God. The canonical Biblical stories highlight his supernatural power and wisdom but never his Universal knowledge. I could almost turn this story into a Biblical Sci-Fi narrative with Jesus describing exceedingly advanced aspects about the Universe and existence. That would be quite a combination of elements! 

     Bibliography. "Infancy Gospels" from The Lost Books of the Bible edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr. Web Source


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