My Mindset on Growth-Mindset

My Mindset on Growth-Mindset

     I've actually watched Carol Dweck's TED talk video in my free time about a year ago. It's a very 

intriguing educational concept that I've had similar thoughts about myself. I've always wondered how 

much better people would do, not only in school, but in every aspect of their life if they enjoyed the 

process enough to focus on it before the "destination." It was amazing to see the actual measurable 

difference in the brain activity of growth-mindset people vs. fixed-mindset people. The scientific 

evidence that Dweck brought to the table in support of her idea is practically undeniable. I never 

would've guessed that such a simple educational transformation would accomplish changes as 

significant as bringing a Native American school from the bottom of their district to the top. 

     If I had to categorize myself as a fixed-mindset or growth-mindset person, I'd say that I'm growth-

mindset for any process pertaining to something that I enjoy. Which I think that's how everybody is to 

some degree. Dweck's educational system capitalizes on that by making the learning process more 

enjoyable for more kids. 


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