A Documentation of Pre-Flood Earth Og the Mighty Pre-Flood Giant Bibliography. Folk-lore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian, and Jewish by J. E. Hanauer. Web Source Back before the Great Flood, the Earth was an alien landscape. Its inhabitants were of a much mightier kind than today and many other intelligent races, besides humans, roamed the surface. Demons, elves, fairies, unicorns, dwarves, orcs etc. you name it, but by far, the most terrifying and intimidating people were the giants. 'Giant' isn't a good enough term. Rather, Titans would be a more befitting name of those country-stomping monsters. The 'normal' ones stood 3,000 ells (2.13 miles) in height ( The Book of Enoch - R.H. Charles version ). Some were far larger! When Og, king of the giants, stretched out on the ground before his death, his body reached from Banias to Lak...
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