EK Reading Notes: Susanoo and Orochi, Part B

E.W. Champney and F. Champney

     Note idea: Divine Beings vs. Giant Monsters

     In a lot of modern-day Japanese movies, giant monsters are featured in battles with other giant monsters. Like the many "Godzilla vs. (monster)" movies. Sometimes, it's even mankind taking on the task of extinguishing these kaiju. Like in the movie Pacific Rim (2014). However, I've never heard of a modern-day story about a battle between divine beings and giant monsters. Reading this story gave me that idea. Such stories like the battle between Susanoo and Orochi are featured all throughout ancient myths in practically all cultures. Some even served as a sort of origin story, such as the Titanomachy. Yet, these types of stories where the divine clash with earth-shattering monstrosities isn't prominently featured anymore. 
     My idea for a story would be a modern-day adaptation of such a battle, in which many gods and goddesses from many cultures face off against a multitude of abominable monsters featured in various myths. For example, the Greek, Egyptian, and Japanese pantheons join forces to bring down Typhoeus, Orochi, the Hydra, basilisks, and many other creatures. I could even throw in some modern-day giants like Godzilla and King Kong to make it all the more epic. I have a few working titles such as "The Divine vs. The Abominable" or "The Divine vs. The Dreadful." "Clash of the Pantheons" is another idea. 


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