Reading Notes: Russian Fairy Tales, Part B
Russian Fairy Tales Bibliography. Russian Fairy Tales by W. R. S. Ralston. Web Source Notes: * Death kills a household in a village every night. * Cossack discovers it's a witch dressed all in white and chops off her arm. The girl is caught the next morning and drowned. The Cossack is payed. * Priest's son reads with his back to a dead Princess for three nights. Each night the Headless Princess rises from her coffin and conjures horrors to try and distract the boy. * Three daughters-in-law are expected to watch their dead father-in-law on three separate nights. The first two are strangled by their undead father-in-law while the third outsmarts him and gains the rights to his wealth. * A Fiddler sinks into Hell and sees a rich man getting beaten by fiends.