Week 6 Story: A Documentation of Pre-Flood Earth

A Documentation of Pre-Flood Earth

     Bibliography. Folk-lore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian, and Jewish by J. E. Hanauer. Web Source

     Back before the Great Flood, the Earth was an alien landscape. Its inhabitants were of a much 

mightier kind than today and many other intelligent races, besides humans, roamed the surface. 

Demons, elves, fairies, unicorns, dwarves, orcs etc. you name it, but by far, the most terrifying and 

intimidating people were the giants. 'Giant' isn't a good enough term. Rather, Titans would be a more 

befitting name of those country-stomping monsters. 

     The 'normal' ones stood 3,000 ells (2.13 miles) in height (The Book of Enoch - R.H. Charles 

version). Some were far larger! When Og, king of the giants, stretched out on the ground before his 

death, his body reached from Banias to Lake Merom (Holy Land - Noah). That's a full 4.66 miles 

(Distance from Banias to Hula Valley/Lake Merom) and that was Og after the flood, when he had 

shrunk enormously! There were monstrosities who towered upwards of 16 miles into the sky! 

     Other massive species existed on Earth at the time as well. Not just fauna, but flora. There 

were many gigantic trees that towered miles into the air. Some 2 miles, some 10, and others towered 

as high as 40 miles into the air! Their trunks were enormous. Some were hundreds or even thousands 

of feet wide! 

     Mankind, for the most part, lived in homes that were built into the massive branches and trunks of 

these towering trees. They did not succumb to altitude sickness because the Earth's atmosphere was 

much thicker in those days. 

Those trees served as great refuges for humanity, who held the natural position that 

flies do in our current world. For when the giants ate all of man's food to extinction, they turned 

against man himself, to devour him. 

     Some of the giants were colossal enough to tower over some of the mighty trees. They were easily 

able to reach down and grab a quick snack out of the branches. People who lived in the much larger 

trees, those standing tens of miles high, urgently migrated upwards so that even the most massive of 

giants wouldn't be able to reach them. 

     Fortunately, the flood wiped out all of these beasts. Except for Og. While the Earth was being 

drowned as high as mountain peaks, the water barely managed to submerge his ankles. He would 

shrink from lack of food and suffer from lack of air on the new Earth. He finally died in the days of 


Extra Citations:

     *Author's Note: The base for my story came from the descriptions of pre-flood Earth offered in the Folklore of the Holy Land unit. Particularly, the story about Noah. The story does indeed tell of a fairy-tale type Earth where enormous giants and even mountain-sized unicorns existed. I was not exaggerating when I said that the waters of the Great Flood merely submerged Og's ankles. That was told in the story and it said that only the highest mountain peaks were spared. Og was even described as fishing his hands down into the water and skimming out fish and other food with his fingers. I was curious as to how tall this would make Og and the pre-flood giants, so I looked up biblical translations for a description. I came across translations describing the giants as being 3,000 ells tall. I was caught up by even more curiosity and decided to look up how tall 3,000 ells is. 11,250 feet or 2.13 miles is the answer that I got. I also found some truly outlandish Christian conspiracy theories whose proponents believe that these Titans actually existed in the Earth's past. Some of them showed pictures of mountains that looked like the petrified faces of giant people laid down dead. These conspiracy theories are also what led me to the stories about the enormous trees. So I thought, why not include them? Even the thick atmosphere idea was borrowed from the scientific battle cries of those conspiracy theorists. 


  1. Hey Ethan,

    I was enlightened while reading your story because it makes the reader understand what exactly happened before the earth was formed. I like how you incorporated the use of mythical creatures as well to give the story a more non-fiction feel to it in my opinion. I think you did an excellent job covering the folklore of the holy land unit and condensing it into one powerful story. Great Job!

  2. Hi Ethan,
    I really liked your story! I love how you did extra research- I also read some of the Flood stories in this unit, but I never realized just how big Og was! You did a great job of making it clear just how massive he was- not just a normal fantasy giant, but a giant whose size is almost beyond human comprehension. Great work!

  3. Hi Ethan! This story is very enlightening and it is cool to see your philosophy background come into play with this story! It was a great read and very fun! The one suggestion I have is that the format of your story could maybe be changed to make it easier to read. You can center it and that would get rid of the indented paragraphs, but other than that, great job!


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