EK Topic Brainstorm
I think that the Odyssey is one of the greatest adventure stories. I've always liked adventure epics, so this story could give me a lot of ideas for my own version. There's literally infinite possibilities with a story like this. I'd certainly like to gain inspiration from it.
I've read some of the infancy and gnostic gospels about Jesus' birth and the miracles he performed as a young child. I thought they were extremely fascinating and definitely something worth exploring more. I could see myself getting a lot of story ideas from this topic.
I don't know a lot about ancient Egyptian mythology as I haven't studied it in-depth. It seems like it could be as broad as Greek Mythology. If that's the case, there's a ton of stories waiting for me to read. I'm interested in learning more about Egyptian myth for sure.
Like Egyptian mythology, Native American mythology is something that I haven't gone in-depth with. There's a large variety of Native American cultures to study. I chose Alaska because there seems to be somewhat of a mystery to Native Alaskan culture and folklore. It'll be interesting to see what I can uncover and how can adapt the stories I write about.
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